
Go + Angular Todo App

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Go + Angular Todo APP Project Template

This repository is a todo sample go and angular web project built according to Clean Architecture.


Web UI Preview

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Open API Doc Preview

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Layers and Dependencies

cmd (application run)

Main application executive folder. Don’t put a lot of code in the application directory. The directory name for each application should match the name of the executable you want to have (e.g., /cmd/myapp). It’s common to have a small main function that imports and invokes the code from the /internal and /pkg directories and nothing else.

internal (application codes)

Private application and library code. This is the code you don’t want others importing in their applications or libraries.

test (integration tests)

Application integration test folder.

web (web ui)

Web application specific components: static web assets, server side templates and SPAs.

docs (openapi docs)

open api (swagger) docs files. Swaggo generates automatically.

swag init -g ./cmd/api/main.go -o ./docs


Open your terminal and clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/mecitsemerci/go-todo-app.git

The application uses mongodb for default database so run makefile command

make docker-mongo-start

This command builds all docker services so if it’s ok check that application urls.

Application URL Purpose
Angular UI http://localhost:5000 Todo APP Project
Swagger UI http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html Todo API OpenAPI Docs
Jaeger UI http://localhost:16686 Opentracing Dashboard

By the way the application supports redis, if you use redis run that command

make docker-redis-start

This command builds docker services so if it’s ok check same application urls.

Local Development

### Configuration The application uses environment variables. Environment variable names and values as follows by default.

    # MONGO
    # REDIS
    # JAEGER

### Dependency Injection

The project uses google wire for compile time dependency injection. The project is set for MongoDB by default. Docker compose files generates automatically wire_gen.go in containers but, it must be created manually for local development.

Wire dependency file is /internal/wired/wire_gen.go

make wire-redis

This command generates wire_gen.go with redis provider. When wire_gen.go file is checked, the following change will be seen.

  // Injectors from redis.go:
  func InitializeTodoHandler() (handler.TodoHandler, error) {
      client, err := redisdb.ProvideRedisClient()
      if err != nil {
          return handler.TodoHandler{}, err
      todoRepository := redisdb.ProvideTodoRepository(client)
      idGenerator := redisdb.ProvideIDGenerator()
      todoService := services.ProvideTodoService(todoRepository, idGenerator)
      todoHandler := handler.ProvideTodoHandler(todoService)
      return todoHandler, nil

The following command can be run for MongoDB again

make wire-mongo

All changes can be observed in /internal/wired/wire_gen.go

### Swagger

The command that generates the open api document to /docs folder.

make swag

### Tests Existing tests are for demonstration purposes only

Unit Test run command

make unit-test

Integration Test run command

make integration-test